Top 10 Ancient Roman Foods and Drinks to You Should Try

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The cuisine of Ancient Rome offers a fascinating glimpse into the culinary traditions of one of the greatest civilizations in history. From hearty dishes to flavorful beverages, the ancient Romans had a diverse range of foods and drinks that showcased their love for indulgence and innovation. In this article, we will take you on a gastronomic journey through the top 10 ancient Roman foods and drinks that you should try. So, let’s delve into the flavors of ancient Rome!


The civilization of Ancient Rome flourished for centuries, and so did its cuisine. The Romans appreciated fine dining, and their culinary expertise extended to diverse ingredients and elaborate cooking techniques. From simple bread to sumptuous feasts, Roman cuisine reflected the empire’s vastness and its culinary influences from conquered lands. Let’s embark on a culinary expedition and discover some of the intriguing foods and drinks that were part of the ancient Roman diet.

1. Garum: The Roman Umami

Garum, often referred to as the Roman umami, takes the spotlight as one of the most iconic and distinctive flavors of ancient Rome. This pungent fish sauce was made by fermenting fish guts and salt, resulting in a rich, savory condiment that enhanced the taste of numerous dishes.

2. Lucanian Sausage: A Meaty Delight

Lucanian sausage holds a special place in ancient Roman cuisine. This flavorful sausage was made from ground pork mixed with various herbs and spices, such as garlic, pepper, and cumin. The Romans enjoyed it both as a standalone dish and as an ingredient in other recipes.

3. Moretum: A Cheesy Delicacy

Moretum, a delicious cheese spread, was a popular dish among ancient Romans. Made with ingredients like cheese, garlic, herbs, and olive oil, it offered a delightful blend of flavors. Romans would spread it on bread or use it as a dip, savoring its creamy and aromatic essence.

4. Isicia Omentata: Ancient Roman Burger

Isicia omentata, often referred to as the ancient Roman burger, was a savory meat patty made from ground meat, such as beef or pork, mixed with various seasonings and breadcrumbs. It was a versatile dish that could be cooked in different ways, providing a satisfying meal for the Romans.

5. Mustaceae: Sweet Wine Delight

Mustaceae refers to a type of sweet wine that was immensely popular in ancient Rome. Made from partially fermented grape juice, it offered a pleasant sweetness that appealed to the Roman palate. The Romans enjoyed sipping this delightful wine on various occasions, relishing its flavors.

6. Patina: A Versatile Dish

Patina was a versatile dish that the ancient Romans relished. It was essentially a savory custard made with eggs, cheese, and various ingredients like meat, fish, vegetables, or even fruits. The combination of flavors and textures in patina made it a favorite choice for Roman cooks.

7. Silphium: The Ancient Roman Spice

Silphium, a now-extinct plant, played a crucial role in ancient Roman cuisine. This spice was highly sought after for its unique flavor and was used in a wide array of recipes. It added an exquisite touch to dishes, leaving the Romans yearning for more.

8. Mulsum: Honey-Infused Wine

Mulsum, a delightful blend of wine and honey, was a popular drink among ancient Romans. It offered a sweet and aromatic taste, making it a refreshing choice for both special occasions and everyday enjoyment. The combination of wine and honey created a harmonious balance that pleased the Roman palate.

9. Libum: A Sweet Delicacy

Libum was a delectable sweet treat that the ancient Romans indulged in. These small cakes were made with a mixture of cheese, flour, eggs, and honey, resulting in a soft and moist dessert. Libum was often offered as a sacrifice to the Roman gods and later enjoyed as a delectable reward.

10. Posca: A Thirst-Quenching Beverage

Posca served as a refreshing and hydrating beverage for the ancient Romans. It was made by mixing vinegar with water and adding various ingredients like honey, herbs, or spices. The resulting drink was tart and tangy, providing a respite from the scorching Roman summers.


Exploring the diverse array of ancient Roman foods and drinks allows us to immerse ourselves in the culinary traditions of a fascinating civilization. From bread and grains to meat and seafood delicacies, from vegetables and legumes to fruits and nuts, Roman cuisine showcased a remarkable range of flavors and ingredients.

Dairy products, condiments, desserts, and beverages further added to the richness of their gastronomy. By trying these ancient Roman foods and drinks, we can taste history and gain a deeper appreciation for the culinary heritage that has influenced many cuisines around the world.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What were the staple foods in ancient Roman cuisine?

Bread, wheat, meat, fish, legumes, cheese, and various fruits and vegetables were staples in ancient Roman cuisine.

Did the ancient Romans have specific dining customs?

Yes, the ancient Romans had specific dining customs, such as reclining on couches while eating and using their hands for certain foods.

Were ancient Roman dishes spicy?

Ancient Roman dishes were not known for being spicy. However, they did use a variety of herbs, spices, and flavorful sauces to enhance the taste of their dishes.

How did the ancient Romans preserve food?

The ancient Romans used various methods to preserve food, including salting, smoking, pickling, and fermenting.

Can we find modern equivalents of ancient Roman dishes?

While it may be difficult to locate precise replicas of ancient Roman dishes, there are modern dishes and ingredients that draw inspiration from or evoke the flavors of ancient Roman cuisine.

Meet Rebeca Winters, a tech writer with a passion for exploring emerging technologies. With a background in software development and a keen eye for detail, she delivers insightful and informative content that inspires readers to stay ahead of the curve.

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